Are you wondering how much your Yorkie puppy will weigh once your dog has reached their adult weight? The size of a Yorkshire Terrier depends mostly on the size of the parents. Size may also skip a generation. Obviously, if a dog is under or overfed, this will also affect its size.
While breed standards do not list height, most Yorkies will grow to be 6-9 inches (15.24 – 22.86 cm); this is measured from the floor to the withers (top of the shoulders)
In regard to weight, a Yorkie will grow to be 3 to 7 pounds (1.36 to 3.17 kg). Though this is the breed standard, it is not uncommon for a Yorkshire Terrier to be a bit over this size; he or she may grow to be 8 or even 9 pounds (3.62 or 4.08 kg).
As long as the dog is not overweight, there is nothing wrong with this for a ‘pet’ Yorkie and only serves to make the dog a bit more sturdier. There are some that will be under 3 lbs. though this is really not a healthy size. Dogs that are under 3 lbs. when fully grown will be at higher risk for trauma related injury, hypoglycemia, collapsed trachea and bone/joint disorders such as patella luxation and hip dysplasia.
Calculating Growth
While it is not possible to know exactly how much a puppy will weigh as an adult, there is a method of calculating an estimate of the Yorkie puppy’s final adult size. In general if you take the weight at 8 weeks and multiple this by a factor of 3, it will come close to the dog’s full grown potential. For example:
1 lb. (.45 kg) at 8 weeks x 3 would give you a full grown adult Yorkie of 3 lbs. (1.36 kg).
1.31 lbs. (.59 kg) at 8 weeks x 3 would give you a full grown adult Yorkie of 3.93 lbs. (1.78 kg)
2.12 lbs (.96 kg) at 8 weeks x 3 would give you a full grown adult Yorkie of 6.36 lbs. (2.88 kg)
Your veterinarian will be able to tell you your puppy’s exact weight. You may also use a kitchen scale at home. A human adult scale will rarely show you the tiny differences in ounces, and this is needed to calculate the dog’s adult size.
A Yorkie is done growing by the 1 year mark. Most Yorkshire Terriers slow down in growth by 9 to 10 months and usually finish growing completely by 12 months.
Lily, 21 months
Photo couresty of Natalie
Maturity Stages
Birth to 7 weeks: Newborn. There is rapid growth during this time. A newborn can double in size in just a few days. Born with eyes close and hearing not functioning, by the age of 3 weeks, the newborn pup has eyes open, can hear well and is learning to walk.
8 weeks to 1 year: Puppy. The first half of this year, the Yorkie will be a ‘young puppy’ and the second half of the year from 6 months to 1 year, he will be an ‘adolescent’. During this time, a Yorkie is full with energy (sometimes too much), is super curious and habits are being formed. This is the perfect age to train, both for housebreaking and all needed commands.
1 year: Adult. While a Yorkshire Terrier is officially an adult at the 1 year mark, years 1 to 4, he will be a ‘young adult’. From years 4 to 8, he will be simply an ‘adult’.
8 years old: Most toy breed dogs are declared to be seniors by the age of 8; however there is no official age and a veterinarian may make the ‘call’ any time from 8 to 10 years old. Most 8 year old Yorkies are still full of spunk and show no signs of old age. However, by the 10-year-old mark, the Yorkshire Terrier is slowing down a bit. He will tire out a bit more, take a new more naps and be much more mellow.
A Quick Guide to Expected Growth
Birth: 2.5 to 5 ounces (.07 to .14 kg)
8 weeks old: 12 to 34 ounces (.34 to .96 kg)
12 weeks old: 1 to 2.5 lbs. (.45 to 1.13 kg)
20 weeks old: 1.5 to 4. lbs (.68 to 2.04 kg)
Final adult weight: 3 to 7 lbs. (1.36 to 3.17 kg)
Yorkshire Terrier Growth Chart